New Features List updated for FileMaker Pro 10

Our list of FileMaker Features, sorted by which version they were introduced has been updated for FileMaker Pro 10. There isn’t a lot of direct items in this, as some of the big changes in FileMaker 10 were to do with dynamic subsummary reports, the new status...

BaseElements Featured in SeedCode newsletter

BaseElements has been featured in the latest SeedCode newsletter. We were excited to work with John and Matt to bring their latest product, fmSearchResults to BaseElements. It was very easy to setup and get working and is a great addition to our tool as well. The...

Translators needed

Goya is looking for translators for their forthcoming update to BaseElements to support multiple languages. We’ve nearly completed testing and development of multiple language support for BaseElements 2.6.0 ( a free update for 2.x owners ), and we’re...

Another happy BaseElements customer

It seems that there are lots of people who like BaseElements enough to write to us and let us know. We recently got this in an email from Vernon Downing : — After using BaseElements 2 for a short time, I want to express how pleased I am. It is extraordinary...

BaseElements updated for FileMaker Pro 10

Just yesterday, FileMaker announced the release of FileMaker Pro 10. This is a significant release with some neat new features. Script Triggers, new field Indirection options, and layout reporting tools are welcome additions to the product. And for all of those early...

Another BaseElements Testimonial

We get a lot of feedback from BaseElements users, and occasionally publish snippets, but this one was worth putting on our front page : Since we started using BaseElements we have wondered how we ever got by without such a powerful tool. It saves us an enormous amount...

BaseElements featured at

BaseElements has been listed as one of the featured solutions at the FileMaker website : This page lists featured solutions for other developers. Products such as plugins, pre-made databases or developer tools such as...

BaseElements 2 Released

BaseElements Version 2.0 has been released, just in time for devcon. There is lots to see in the new version, have a look at the version history and download a demo to see for yourself.