Tony White Designs has released a very nifty addition to BaseElements that allows you to link to your FileMaker solution from within BaseElements and vice versa. You can be looking at a script or layout in BaseElements and click a button to take you to the exact script or layout in your solution. It’s a great way to work within BaseElements and make changes on the fly in your live solution, without navigating through all of the dialogs to find your place.

If you’re using BaseElements and you’re on a mac (it requires applescript to work), you can download his FileMaker <-> BaseElements Toolkit which is just one of the useful pieces of code on his freebies page.

There are some useful videos there to explain how it all works, it makes for a great demo. Thanks to Tony for creating this and making it free for the FileMaker Developer community.

If you have any questions or feedback about it, feel free to leave a comment below.