Goya is looking for translators for their forthcoming update to BaseElements to support multiple languages. We’ve nearly completed testing and development of multiple language support for BaseElements 2.6.0 ( a free update for 2.x owners ), and we’re looking for helpers to translate the UI of BaseElements into languages other than english.

At this point, we’re not fussed about what languages you’re able to provide, although the major FileMaker ones (French, Spanish, German, Italian etc ) would be great, we’d like as many language options as possible ( klingon anyone? ).

Please use the contact form to let us know if you’d like to help and can offer your services. There will be benefits for ongoing translation helpers.

I’ll update this post with details of languages that have been taken as it happens.

Update 4 : I’ve now added a new FAQ page with the complete status. We’re still looking for helpers, so contact us if you’re interested. Below is the list of completed languages.

Spanish : Done – Thanks to Cesar Morales from ADNPlus Inc.
Dutch : Done – Thanks to Nicky Decorte from ConnectingData.
Swedish : Done – Thanks to David Wikström from CamelCase data.
Italian : Done – Thanks to Giuseppe Pupita. Buliga Software.
Pirate : Done – Thanks to Cesar Morales from ADNPlus Inc.
Japanese : Done – Thanks to Shin Ninagawa from Splash Inc.
French : Done – Thanks to Raymond Studer from RSCP.
German : Done – Thanks to Daniel Wilhelm from Datasol.