Who would have thought, recursive XSLT is not only hard to program and make sense of, it’s also awful slow.

If you had a play with BaseElements 3 beta 2 in the last few days, grab a copy of b3 today, it’s much faster 🙂

BaseElements_Mac.dmg – fp7 files.
BaseElements_Mac_MU.dmg – Sharing enabled version.
BaseElements_Mac_Runtime.dmg – Runtime.

I’ve addressed some of the of the processing of filenames which gets me one step closer to a windows release as well.

The only issue to be aware of in this build is that variables used in Calculations aren’t being referenced yet. I’m working on some non-recursive xslt instead to make that faster. Also I fixed an issue in calculations where you’d get an error when there was an empty calculation – thanks Doug Rowe for reporting that.

Thanks to all those who sent me notes about their times with b2, if you’ve got the patience to re-run this now with b3, and compare it to 2.6.7, that would be great. Send any details to support@goya.com.au