BaseElements plugin is now translatable

The BaseElements plugin has long been documented on our website in English, but only in version 16 of FileMaker does it allow you to include function descriptions inside the calculation dialog. At the moment, it’s not very useful as it only includes the name of...

Goya is a FileMaker Innovation Award winner

We’ve been back from the FileMaker Developer Conference 2017 for a few weeks now, and it was a great conference for us.  Goya was announced at the awards ceremony as the winner of the 2017 FileMaker Excellence Award for Innovation!   The presenter spoke...

Generate AWS Signature Version 4 in FileMaker

This year I had a lot of fun creating the examples for the session at DevCon. Along with the fun I had a couple of interesting technical challenges. One of those was how to generate the Signature Version 4 used to authenticate Requests in AWS. Amazon provides SDKs for...

New Website – Finally

I know these posts are terribly un-exciting for everyone, but we’ve finally finished the changeover from our old Drupal based website to our new one.  Including new individual product sites all based off the same template with separate content. You never realise...

Sync is not a product

I’ve been wanting to write this post for a while now, as there’s lots of talk about sync in the FileMaker community.  I had some thoughts about it last year at the 2016 DevCon and did a session on this topic.  I revisited it again at our local FileMaker...
FileMaker integration with Nextcloud

FileMaker integration with Nextcloud

This integration was a request from a sponsor, who uses Nextcloud in a similar way to the Dropbox API example we posted recently. Nextcloud I didn’t know much about the Nextcloud API and despite the documentation being somehow fragmented, the interaction seemed...