Cancelling BaseElements Plugin progress dialogs

Cancelling BaseElements Plugin progress dialogs

A question that has come up more than once about the progress dialogs in our free FileMaker plugin is how to work with the cancel buttons. Showing or Hiding the button The cancel button is optional, and appears based on the status of the “Allow User Abort”...

RESTfm 2.1.0 released with sync and more

Trying to explain what RESTfm is to someone who hasn’t used Web Services before can be difficult. It’s hard to get an idea of what RESTfm is, let alone what you’d use it for. ( If you want to be really confused, try reading about REST on wikipedia. )...

Plugin Functions updated with examples

We’ve updated our plugin documentation to include the new JSON, ValueList, Dialog and HTTP function details. Part of this new documentation are some example uses for some of the more technical functionality. I hope these go a little way towards helping people...
RESTfm 2.0 Released

RESTfm 2.0 Released

We’re excited today to announce that RESTfm has reached version 2.0. Although we haven’t previously spent much time talking about RESTfm, we’ve slowly been working on other tools that interact with it. In the coming days in the leadup to FileMaker...