As I type BaseElements 1.0.5 is being uploaded to the servers in time for a proper release announcement later today.

Although this is only a 1.0.5 release there are some neat features included. First and foremost is a Runtime version of BE. This was something that was requested early on, and we’re glad to be able to assist. Most of the development for BE is done on a Mac and there is the extra bonus on the Mac that you can run multiple copies of FileMaker on the one machine, so you can isolate FileMaker from your work copy of whatever solution you’re using BaseElements to develop. But the same doesn’t apply on Windows, so having a Runtime version affords you the same option without having to buy a separate computer.

The other neat feature is an additional main tab for each file, along with Errors and Unreferenced, of “Warnings”. At present these are things like mismatched field types in relationships, disabled script steps that have errors and ValueLists that use fields that don’t have indexes. We’re going to add more types to this over time and we think it’s going to be a very handy feature.

And there are a bunch of other fixes and minor additions. All of the details are on the Version History page, so make sure you have a look there.

The feedback and comment on our releases to date has been fantastic. I’ve been amazed at the varied ways and means that people are using BE, and it’s been interesting to see and to develop for them.

We’ve had lots of ideas for new features and options in BaseElements and we’ll be doing lots more updates and adding lots more functionality over the coming weeks and months.