FileMaker Developer Conference

The 2007 FileMaker Developer Conference is being held this year in Orlando Florida from 5th August. Although this isn’t the first year someone from Goya has been to the conference, it’s the first year we’ve had a product to sell. So we’re proud...

BaseElements 1.0 is Final

We’re proud to annouce that we’ve released a version 1.0 of BaseElements. It’s taken a little while longer than we expected, but it’s here at last. Get your download and your demo code too. The feedback we’ve got so far during the beta...

Plugin Updates

There is a neat option in FileMaker Pro when you’re hosting files from FileMaker Server, that allows you to update any plugin files you’re using from the server. What’s very helpful with this is that you can update a plugin and replace an active...

FileMaker Windows Size Tip

I expect to add a few FileMaker Pro tips and tricks to this Blog over time, and so here is the first of many : Previously in v6 and before, if you resized a window in file before closing it (in single user mode) it would remember that window size when you re-opened it...

Fonts and FileMaker continued…

My previous article listed all of the fonts that are common to both Windows XP and MacOS X. This time I’ll look at how both platforms display the standard fonts in FileMaker Pro. Does Experience match reality? If you’d asked me before I’d actually...