I expect to add a few FileMaker Pro tips and tricks to this Blog over time, and so here is the first of many :

Previously in v6 and before, if you resized a window in file before closing it (in single user mode) it would remember that window size when you re-opened it the next time. Exactly.

However now in 7 and later, it doesn’t and you actually need to force it to remember the size, by modifying something about the file. It doesn’t matter what it is you change, as long as something changes. The problem is, what if you don’t want it to change?

For example you want to be able to do this to a bunch of files at once, so you resize the window via a script. Which means your file change can’t be a layout modification…

You could either change the found set, or change a field – even a global, but you don’t want to mess with record data, or found sets, as you want that to stay the way it is for the next time you open the file, and this file might not have any records or globals in it anyway…

What else can you do? The status bar can be added and then taken away to leave it in the same state, but then it doesn’t register as a change…

What you can do is… Set the Multi-User Status of the file. You can even set it to it’s current value via a set of “If” statements, so you’re not actually changing anything, and it will register as a modification and your window size change will stick!!!

At last.

Now I’ll head over to the suggestion page and put in a vote for a script step that forces this setting without convoluted tricks…

There’s only one problem with this approach… It’s that you can’t tell from the Get ( MultiUserState ) function if the file is hidden or not, so it needs to be a fixed setting for each file. So I’m still looking for a perfect fix, but this will do for now.