FileMaker today announced the full session lineup for the FileMaker Developer Conference. We’re excited to say that once again we’ll be at the exhibitor showcase and also having a Vendor Session showing our tools and how to get the most out of them.

Our session is first thing Tuesday morning, and we’re on at the same time as a session on Go with Ryan Griggs from FileMaker, Alexei Folger from FileMaker showing File Maintenance & Recovery, Todd Geist showing Re-usable code and another session from Court Bowman that isn’t yet announced. There’s lots there, but also plenty of opportunity for people to come and see what we’re doing too.

I’ll be showing BaseElements, RefreshFM and our new product RestFM. Most of the time will be around BaseElements, but I’ll also go through RefreshFM in some detail, but only briefly show and mention RestFM.

If you’ve got BaseElements, or are considering it, but not sure how best to use it, and how it can help, then it will be worth your while to come to this session. I’ll talk about the main features of BaseElements, but also go into detail about the best way to use it to solve real world problems and how to think in terms of the relationships of your solution and it’s parts. You’ll be able to diagnose issues and solve problems in your development much faster after seeing this session.

For RefreshFM, I’ll explain the details of what it is, and why you’d use it and then go through a simple setup process. So you’ll be able to take this and build your own updaters in a matter of minutes.

And finally I’ll do a quick demo of RestFM which is our as yet unannounced product for Web Service enabling a FileMaker Server solution.

We hope to see you there, but if you absolutely can’t miss one of the other sessions, stop by the booth and we’ll answer all of your questions.
