It seems like it was only yesterday I was mentioning the new up and coming version 2 of our free FileMaker plugin. And today I’m excited to let you know that we have an alpha version ready to play with.

This is 2.0a2 and includes new HTTP_DELETE and HTTP_PUT functions, as well as adding support for authentication for all the HTTP functions.

This is still considered alpha, while we look at some changes to the way shell commands work and also the Base64 encoding functions, but we’d love some feedback on the HTTP stuff in the mean time.

Also we’ve updated all the base libraries we’re using ( Boost, CuRL etc ) so there should be some bug fixes in there too. And it’s now a Xcode 4 project on the Mac – the source code should be up on Github shortly for those interested in that.

The big change is that this plugin is now FMP 12 and later only and won’t load in 11 or earlier, and you can download a copy for Mac and Windows.

Please send us any feedback or issues for the new functions.