A minor BaseElements update is available today. I’ve had a flow of small feature requests and minor fixes since the last release, most of which have been able to be done quickly. So this release packages those together into a public build. I was not sure if to go with this one, which is 3.0.10 or hold off on this and wait until closer to devcon to package in some more updates and build a 3.1.0. In the end it was worth getting this done.

The more interesting changes are :

  • Works with files with & in the filename again – this broke somewhere along the line and is back now.
  • Added an option to turn off sharing so you don’t get the alert dialog every time you open it on file where another server is running.
  • Added an option to turn off the normal user login so that you can restrict users on server to a EA account only.
  • A bunch of little fixes for layout size on open, especially when using the quick search options.

Full details on the version history page and downloads available now.