Download links :

BaseElements_Mac.dmg – fp7 files.
BaseElements_Mac_Runtime.dmg – Runtime. – fp7 files. – Runtime.

Fixes :

  • Fixed an issue where there were false CF missing warnings.
  • Changed the CF missing warning from ValueList missing to say CF missing.
  • Added back preview mode to the view as Custom Menu so you can actually get out of preview mode.

Mostly this fixes issues with CF references introduced in 8, but also some display oddities and a few other bits and pieces. Also you may notice ( or not ) the new logo on the about screens. They haven’t propagated all the way through yet to the other layouts, but hopefully I’ll have more on that tomorrow. 🙂

There are two outstanding issues to resolve before I can turn this over from beta to final : First, there is a plugin issue that causes an out of memory error on large solutions. We’re working on that so will have an answer for it soon.

The second issue is more of a workaround. I’ve found that the DDR in 11 includes characters that the v10 DDR would strip out of your files. Things like high ascii or other characters that should be encoded in XML and aren’t being properly encoded. I’ve posted a bug report as I think it’s a general error with not only the DDR but also the copy paste mechanism in FileMaker. I think I’ll have a workaround in BaseElements regardless of whether the bug is fixed, but I’ve got to make sure it works first.