I’ve just finishing uploading BaseElements 3 beta 4 :

BaseElements_Mac.dmg – fp7 files.
BaseElements_Mac_Runtime.dmg – Runtime.

BaseElements_Win.zip – fp7 files.
BaseElements_Win_Runtime.zip – Runtime.

There is a windows as well as a mac version, and the fp7 version now has sharing enabled for all accounts. The full list of changes is :

  • More plugin error checking and reporting.
  • Fixed an issue where odbc Data Sources weren’t being imported.
  • Fixed a false error in OSBC usernames and passwords – thanks Doug Rowe.
  • Fixed a superfluous warning in Layout Fields.
  • Added a dialog about running on PowerPC on Mac.
  • Changed the display of the BaseElements wording on layouts to display properly in FileMaker Go.
  • Built in a Minimum Required FMP version for calculations and script steps.
  • Changed the licencing so that the single user version can be shared with FileMaker Server to a single user.
  • Added more display checkboxes for layout objects to show printing, sliding etc.
  • Added a portal filter calculation portal to the Object layout.
  • Began work on a FileMaker Go Compatability Report.
  • Some plugin fixes and enhancements.

There is a lot in there, so I’ll write some more about it in the next day or so, but it’s now late here and it’s time for dinner 🙂

One quick note, if you’re using it on windows it will only load xml from a local path, not from network drives. ( You can map the path to a network drive and it will work fine. ) This is something in the way that the file paths are handled inside libxslt, and I haven’t yet got a solution to that one.