I’ve just finished uploading a minor update to BaseElements 2 to bring it to 2.6.8. Only a couple of small changes in this version :

* Update the registration code to accept BE v3 licences.
* Updated the file plugin to include Troi File 5.0.
* Updated the dialog plugin to include Troi Dialog 5.5.

The download links are :

Single User Version fp7 Files

BaseElements_Mac.dmg File Size 2.5 MB
BaseElements_Win.zip File Size 2.3 MB

Sharing Enabled Version fp7 Files

BaseElements_Mac_MU.dmg File Size 2.5 MB
BaseElements_Win_MU.zip File Size 2.3 MB

Single User Runtime Application

BaseElements_Mac_Runtime.dmg File Size 38.5 MB
BaseElements_Win_Runtime.zip File Size 41.6 MB

The plugin updates mean BaseElements 2 will run on Windows 7 as well as the latest FMP versions on all platforms. The critical change is the ability to accept a BE 3 licence. Any new purchases from today will automatically get a v3 licence, which will also work with 2.6.8. Also anyone who purchased v2 after 1st of March 2010 will automatically get a v3 licence sent out to them.