I’ve arrived back from San Diego after our 15 day flight direct into Melbourne. Sorry did I say 15 day, I meant 15 hour flight. Although it does seem like that at times.

We had a great conference, it was very successful for us in terms of getting BaseElements out in front of lots of people, and we’re very pleased with the results. I hope everyone managed to get our devcon discount pricing, if you didn’t though, we were handing out coupon codes to extend the discount for 30 days after devcon and I have a few left if anyone missed out. Send me an email support@goya.com.au and I’ll forward them on.

I think San Diego is a great town for DevCon, there was lots to see and do outside the main conference and lots of reasons to bring family for a holiday ( which I didn’t do this time though ), and although the showcase room was a little cramped, we managed to snag a good spot and had a lot of traffic. Looking forward to next year.

And I’ve got a BaseElements .0.1 update almost ready to go as well, so keep an eye out for that.

Congratulations to all the winners this year of the 2010 FBA awards, almost all of them are people we met at DevCon or have chatted to online before and all are deserved winners. Well done to all for their hard work.