FileMaker integration with Mailchimp

FileMaker integration with Mailchimp

Back for a new episode on FileMaker Integration with Web Services! In the past three weeks we looked at what we need to integrate FileMaker with external APIs, and the code implementations for the Dropbox API and the Zendesk API. Mailchimp The idea for this series...
FileMaker integration with Zendesk

FileMaker integration with Zendesk

Second installment of our series on FileMaker integration with Web Services. Check the Intro and the first article about the Dropbox API if you’ve missed them. Zendesk This week we’ll have a look at the Zendesk API. If you’re new to Zendesk, it is a...

FileMaker integration with Dropbox

This is the first in our series on Web Services integration with FileMaker that I mentioned last week. DropBox The API we are going to look at today is DropBox. With this API a FileMaker solution can manage and share files, folders and Dropbox Paper documents. As an...
FileMaker and web services (and us)

FileMaker and web services (and us)

Like most modern companies, here at Goya we use web-based tools. Slack, Dropbox, Zendesk and Mailchimp are awesome platforms to organise our work and to share our ideas. The best part though is that we can manage all these services from a FileMaker solution. Which is...

BaseElements Update and more

It’s been a while since the last BaseElements update, and I’ve had a few emails asking me what’s going on. Rest assured we’re still working on it, and things are progressing. And FileMaker 15 is out today, and happens to coincide with me...